Hey, I’m Kelsey J

I first picked up a camera when I was 10 years old, and had no idea it would shape me into who I am today. Now I’m a commercial photographer, professional model, creative director, PR consultant, and influencer marketer. That’s a lot of titles for one ginger to have, I know, so let me show you how I got here…

I believe all of these experiences have led me to become the multi-talented creative and digital marketer that I am today.

From marketing campaign strategy to creative production with a unique point of view, I’m passionate about helping brands tell their story in a way that will resonate. Few other β€œinfluencers” have experience both on the creative side and on the marketing side of the business, which puts me in a unique position to not only execute campaigns, but help strategically create them. However, my primary goal is to show aspiring photographers that if I can make this career happen, they can too.

I aim to provide not only inspiration, but the education, tools, and community needed to succeed as a full time creative freelancer. Nothing makes me happier than seeing someone finding the ability to pursue their creative dreams, and I hope to be a resource on how to make that happen. To achieve this, I’m speaking at photography conferences, releasing educational content, hosting in person workshops, and offering online courses. And I’m just getting started.

β€œYou can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something β€” your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

–Steve Jobs

Client Offerings


Client Offerings β€’

Social Media Marketing
Commercial Photography
Modeling + On Screen Appearances
Video Creative Production
Brand Ambassadorship
PR + Influencer Marketing Consulting
Photography Speaking Engagements

I believe that…


Great art makes you feel something.

And good marketing is really just good storytelling.


Creativity is the best tool for self expression.


Leading with authenticity and vulnerability will always win.


The age of the starving artist is over. We can all eat.
